
When a technology company with a proven track record in a specific domain aims to broaden its market reach, enlisting the services of industry experts like Synergy Group became a logical progression. By capturing movement patterns using standard video and without having to apply markers on the subject matter, 3motionAI calculates angles, degrees of rotation, the speed of specific body parts, as well as the tempo of the movement and more. Applying this knowledge to different sports requires the modification of various parameters that are ‘sport specific’ as part of the adaptation. Taking this solution a step further, capturing another set of video files of established physical assessments of the subject will allow for a more accurate analysis of the movements. Without the combination of assessment with analysis, the prescribed correction could be detrimental to the athlete physically and slow their performance progression.

Project Scope: Market Analysis, Expert Level Contribution, Sampling & Evaluation, Product Refinement, Strategic Planning

Toronto, Canada




SkyRidge/theStelle Golf