Synergy Group Consulting

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The Art of the Design-Build-Operate

When handed a blank canvas, the possibilities are endless, and the mind races with the potential. However, when faced with a challenging site, the true creativity must come to the forefront to find solutions around every obstacle. This was the case when developing a state-of-the-art golf academy at the DragonRidge Country Club in Henderson, Nevada. It was a personal mission to deliver excellence despite the many challenges.

The site itself required dynamite blasting to shape it, which meant the building design had to be modified to accommodate the final configuration while still meeting the size requirements for the coaching studios. On top of that, strict local regulations and a testy inspector made it necessary to address requirements on the fly.

Despite these obstacles, the end result was a world-class golf academy featuring a 2-bay coaching studio with the latest integrated technology package, club assessment and adjustment equipment, fitness equipment, and a designated putting and pitching green. To complete the package, a convenient 3-hole Academy Loop was added to take students onto the course.

The project also included operations, staffing, program development, marketing strategy, promotions, outreach programs to Las Vegas Strip Resorts & Casinos, UNLV PGM students, and non-profits, as well as a Members-Only instruction and club fitting service.

In the end, the challenges presented during the development of the DragonRidge Country Club golf academy only served to strengthen the commitment to excellence. The final product was a testament to the power of creativity and perseverance, resulting in a facility that can truly be considered world-class.